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My last azalea blossom.  They were here in the thousands

 I planted this cypress a couple years after we moved here, and it has taken to the spot.  Each spring, I marvel at the feathery foliage

P1030176 These blossoms are smaller than your pinky fingernail.

I'm told this is a tea rose.  The plant has gone absolutely mad with flowers.  No mourning doves in there this time;  though  a nearby azalea full of hungry chicks of some sort emits a racket each morning, and our asparagus plant on the front porch has a nest of thrush eggs. So far, no photo opportunities.

Update: Pix of baby birds, click here    ;-)


Spiderwort, also known as cow slobber, for the gelatinous content of the stalk.  Several hundred of these plants grow in my back garden  giving me weeks of pleasure, as well as excuse to not mow there.




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