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Four shots, roll down


A problem at the local bookstore is flying books;  this ginger tabby takes time to weigh things down ensuring  nothing gets away




During the excruciating LSU win this Saturday, we took a break and Richard took me out to the vineyard to show me how the grapes were doing.  Beautiful, huh?



Sunday Morning, 500 people took part in the Natchitoches Meat-Pie Triathlon.   It is a growing turn-out,  I was talking to Randy LaCaze afterwards, and the planned bike course next year will make it much more fun and challenging.





Some folks were asking how Henri and Izzi are getting along.   A little bit better, though she still maintains her Royal highness.  She gets the upper bunk, you see.   This is a real wide angle lens, his tail is not THAT  big.














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