The story of the Grebe Chicks started when
my son who works at a crawfish farm found them orphaned, their dead mother
nearby. Quite young, just hatched, we set out to see if we could
help them survive. We experimented with various foods, and finally,
found they seemed to do best on a slurry of boiled eggs chopped fine.
We tried several methods, including chopped up worm in a syringe, but the
spoon seemed to work the best for them.
Reading, I found that these diving waterfowl are capable of independence within three weeks of hatching, so the prospect of success seemed strong. I also read they can swim right out of the egg, so we placed them in a basin, and like little motorboats, they sped around. Sadly, none of them survived, but we tried,
and my kids and I learned a great deal about a species we knew nothing
about. |
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